Video Stimulus: Gender & Agency of an In-Home SAR for Exercise
These videos portray the Pepper robot as an in-home socially assistive robot for supporting daily exercise. The scenario narrative was specifically designed to showcase how the robot might be deployed in a situation involving both formal and informal care, showcasing robot-caregiver and robot-care recipient interactions. These interactions further referenced the care receiver’s therapist as being the (known) healthcare professional who had actually prescribed the care receiver’s exercises. These videos resulted from (then PhD student) Laura Moradbakhti's visit to Uppsala Spring 2022.
We created four versions of the above narrative, varying robot agency (high versus low) and robot gendering (male versus female). The high agency female condition is show below:
Here you can find the low agency female, the high agency male and low agency male versions of the video.
Citation 1: Moradbakhti, Laura, et al. "(Counter-) stereotypical Gendering of Robots in Care: Impact on Needs Satisfaction and Gender Role Concepts in Men and Women Users." International Journal of Social Robotics 15.11 (2023): 1769-1790. Read the paper here.
Citation 2: Winkle, Katie, and Laura Moradbakhti. "Differing Care Giver and Care Receiver Perceptions of Robot Agency in an In-Home Socially Assistive Robot for Exercise Engagement." 2023 32nd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN). IEEE, 2023. Read the paper here.