Group Robot Design Activities for Teens

Our RO-MAN 2022 paper (details below) refers to numerous co-design activities and group-robot interaction activities used in the context of co-designing (and evaluating) a group assistant robot with teenagers.

A summary document describing the activities as we used them (with all materials, links to associated miro boards and/or or google docs) plus blank copies of our measures can be found here. These activities might be useful to others looking at group-robot interaction, co-design with teenagers or just as inspiration for extracurricular, robot-related activities for teens!

Citation: Gillet, Sarah, et al. "Ice-Breakers, Turn-Takers and Fun-Makers: Exploring Robots for Groups with Teenagers." 2022 31st IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN). IEEE, 2022. Read the paper here.